3. Winter Olympics

Most broadcast
 The French treble in ski-cross at the Sochi Olympics. REUTERS / Mike Blake.
Every four years, we seek the chills by saying that cross-country skiing and curling interest both Norwegians and Senegalese. The event WHAT`S NEW IN PSL 2018 AND NEW PLAYERS IN PESHAWAR ZALMI 2018, which will celebrate its hundred years of existence in 2024, does not cause as many passions as its big brother summer.
Which plays in his favor
Side broadcast, no differences between seasons. In both winter and summer, the Olympics are broadcast in 220 countries around the world. 412 TV channels broadcast the event in 2014 in Sochi, compared to 506 for the Summer Games in 2012. This allowed 2.1 billion viewers to watch at least a minute of the event , opening ceremony understood. On this side, the winter competition is placed warm on the third step of the podium in front of other sporting events.
What's missing
Diversity. In Sochi, in 2014, only 85 nationalities were represented, against 204 in London in 2012. Certainly, it is not bad compared to the 32 countries participating in the final phase of the Football World Cup. But we still talk about the Olympics, whose strength of the concept lies in universality. In Russia, the twelve most represented countries (Russia, United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Norway, France, Japan, Italy, Sweden and Finland) accounted for 63% of
the athletes . In sum, almost all countries where one can imagine to pose two RTT for a long weekend to ski.
Our opinion
The power of attraction of the Olympics remains unique. Remember the hysteria that gripped all your office neighbors during the 2014 ski-cross final. Yes, ski-cross
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